America's tough guys
Below are some of our most vocal war proponents who are courageous crusaders of the masculine virtues (left to right: top row- Jonah Goldberg, Glenn Reynolds, James Lileks; bottom row - Paul Mirgenoff, Hugh Hewitt, John Hinderaker and Scott Johnson):

And finally, this is pro-war tough guy James Taranto of The Wall St. Journal (l), alongside Churchillian warrior Dick Miniter of The New York Post and Pajamas Media (r), posing with a friend (center) in Brussels:
These are America's tough guys who endlessly emphasize the need to show masculine power and strength by waging wars and torturing people, and who love to mock the effete weakness of Democrats and liberals. I wonder what motivates them?

And finally, this is pro-war tough guy James Taranto of The Wall St. Journal (l), alongside Churchillian warrior Dick Miniter of The New York Post and Pajamas Media (r), posing with a friend (center) in Brussels: